Thursday, December 31, 2009

Done and Done

I promised myself I'd finish this master study before the end of the year.
Guess this counts.
Had a bit of a f-up on the final "save as" so I only have the small version left.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lifedrawing 12-19-09

Model had great poses, and I enjoyed drawing - the results just weren't very good.
So much for the last life drawing of the year.

First try with Painter

So I just installed Painter11, and gave it a whirl with the latest image I drew.

Few things I noted as compared to Photoshop.
The redraw sucks - at certain zoom sizes everything gets very crunky. They still haven't fixed the crazy line issues when you move your image around from the border.
I'm going to have to completely re-hotkey everything since their ideas of hotkeys are a joke.
I need to buy a new wacom art pen - one of the chisel tips. Their brushes beg for it and I haven't found my PShop hack way of doing it.

Other than the fact that I'm slow as hell with it because its new I see a lot of potential.

Original Sketch. The model is Diaz from her "Passion" photoshoot.
Process. The sketch took about an hour. No idea how long the painting took - maybe three? I tried going straight to Painter but was getting terrible results, so I quickly laid in the colors with PShop.

Monday, December 14, 2009

quickie - Joan Jett

All I ever see when I look at a picture of her is those eyes. Damn.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Master Study - the milkmaid

I've been wanting to do a master study for a while and the topic came up in a discussion at work. I saw this Vermeer while I was on vacation and was amazed at how vibrant the colors were. No reproduction can match the original oils (as with any painting). The detail on the bread alone held my attention for quite some time.
I'm trying to do this painting like digitally like a real painting, no transforms no undo's just paint. I'm also recording this one, so I'll probably post a process vid at some point.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lifedrawing 11-14-09

So it's been a few months since I've been to a lifedrawing session. Work's been taking up my weekends lately, so I was happy when I went to this one. I only got to attend half of it though.
The first one was about 10 mins the others were 20. The last one I had a rather unfortunate seat, but thought it would be a bit obvious if I moved.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Over a week with no posts? Ah well. been doing a lot of 3d, think I might start something like the daily sketches but w/ zbrush. Have to see what my time is like.

I saw this on Tam's blog and felt like painting it. So I did.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daily Sketch - 31

Was supposed to be a cute zombie dressed up for Halloween. The cuteness got lost from the original sketch. oh well... im just glad its over.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Daily Sketch -30

Once more unto the.... nevermind.
Color study from a SG photo.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daily Sketch -29

A quick color rough from one of my photos of my trip to Amsterdam.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Daily Sketches 27,28 NSFW

Don't look mom.
Blame these two on a conversation at work about Paul (autodestruct) Richards and how damn awesome he is. I believe the conversation went something like - I'll draw porn if it will make me as good as him.
So I did the first sketch, and I was pretty annoyed that I pulled back. So I went a bit more.... racy with the second.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Daily Sketch - 24,25

Another 2 - parter thats going to turn into 3. Ended up doing a lot of rework to the sketch on the after the scan, small things but they took me too long to finish the painting today. Trying to get a bit more realism into comic book character costume design here.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Daily Sketch - 22

Daily Sketch -21

Yesterdays. Keeping with the work's Halloween theme. Pretty much a blatant Paul Richard's rip, but no where near as good.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Daily Sketch - 19

Another 2 parter, colors tomorrow. I'm digging this splitting it up, makes it easier for me to just relax during the sketching and the painting. At work we are doing a Halloween theme, and while I really don't dig the holiday - I don't want to be a total curmudgeon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Daily Sketches -18

Reading the Child Thief by Brom. Really enjoying it, so today I sketched out one of the characters. I haven't gotten to a point where he drew this guy, so I don't have to deal with trying to match him.

Daily Sketches 7-10

Found my sketchbook. Not the best stuff, but proof I wasn't slacking

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Daily Sketch - 17

Had a lot of fun drawing in a style not my own. Go Read Girls With Slingshots already!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Daily Sketch - 16

I've been reading Girls With Slingshots for years, it is hands down my favorite webcomic and I've been wanting to draw these characters for a while. Danielle Corsetto has developed a fantastic art style over the years, and I had such a blast with the sketch that I've had to take it farther. Here's the sketch... Tomorrow will be the finished piece.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daily Sketch -15

One of the best characters ever.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Daily Sketch -11

Sketch for an Ultramarine Flag for a 40k model I've started.

Daily Sketch -14

Watched it while working today, and it leapt out when I was thinking of a subject for the sketch. I'm trying to keep these simple sketches but its so hard not to add in tones.

Daily Sketch -12

Had a bit of a setback this past weekend with these daily sketches. I'd been doing a few on good ol' paper as I was out of town for a couple of days. But I misplaced the sketchbook before I could scan in the last batch. Hopefully, it turn up in someones car... or not.
So here's a Spidey I did yesterday.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Daily Sketch - 6

Reading the Dresden Files again.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Daily Sketch -5

Well, since I haven't gone to sleep yet I'm saying its still officially yesterday... today. Or something. So some kind of undead elf necromancer thing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Daily Sketch -4

Been listening to audiobook of The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks while working so figured I'd try a sketch of one of the characters - Durzo Blint, an assassin with magical powers.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Daily Sketch -2

An exercise at work. Take a single generic head and do variations.

Daily Sketch - 3

Yes I know 2 usually comes before 3 but I did it at work and forgot to bring it home. So I'll post it up when I get it. Finally got around to beating DOW2 and have been playing some space hulk so figured it'd be time to try my hand at a Space Marine image. About an hour.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Daily Sketch 1

Ok, let's see how this goes. I've always been super impressed by people who manage to do this sort of thing, so now I'm going to try to do daily updates. I'm hoping to at least keep it going for a month.
Figured I'd dedicate the first one to the Fear of the Blank Page. You know the evil confidence stealing monster that stares out of a clean sheet of paper.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cheeks Wolverine Take 2

About a year ago I started a model based on an awesome Sketch by Sean (cheeks) Galloway. His work has such a style and easy gestural look to it that blows me away. At the time, I was just trying to relearn Zbrush and wasn't too concerned with making a clean model since I didn't think anyone would see it. Like 3/4 of my models I quit before finishing it, always wanting to come back to it. Well, a week ago I got an email from Sean saying he saw it and that was the kick in the ass I needed to get working on it again.
I did a lot of rework to the mesh, mostly edgeflow stuff and cleaning up Tris and N-Gons. I made minor proportion changes and basically rebuilt his shoulder/armpit. I'm still planning on doing some more work - textures mostly. I want to get this"game-ready", maybe even throw him in the game engine at work if I can con an animator into doing some setup.
Anyway, huge thanks to Cheeks for giving me the push I needed.
Your work rocks dude!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MUA2 Shipped

The latest game I worked on just shipped. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Spent 2 years working on this one, doing environmental art and a bit of cleanup on some characters. We had a really kick ass art team and I'm really proud of the way the game looks.
So buy it!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kraven... no not "the Hunter"

This is a bit of a cheat, posting an oldish piece - I'll try making up for it soon.
So for a while I've been doing quick drawings from SuicideGirls (don't pretend - you know it) trying to do one a week and spending about an hour or two on them. I'm doing better at updating them than I am this blog. For some reason pretty girls liking my stuff makes me want to keep it up. A while ago I got the urge to go farther on one and decided to paint it. I chose an awesome photo of the beautiful Kraven, and she kindly gave me permission to post it.

At the time I was talking to a friend about how I paint so, I also took screenshots at 15 min intervals. Being able to fix a drawing so easily in PShop is such a cheat, and I love it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Emo queen

A friend of mine did a drawing of some emo dude, so I just blatantly ripped it off when I got stuck trying to think of something to draw tonight.
God I hate emo-kitties.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

GA ComicCon 09 had it's second ComicCon contest just finish. The deadline was actually extended a week but since I went away that week it didn't help me. I entered both the 2D and 3D ones. It was fun and I recorded the whole process of them, so at some point I'll render the videos and put them up somewhere.

I did Usagi Yojimbo for the 3d, I had to rush this one a lot and am not very happy with it. I didn't have time to do a good rig so this is a terrible hack job. The model actually looks better with just the diffuse on fullbright, nice and cartoony.

And Thor done in the style from Sandman: Season of Mists