Few things I noted as compared to Photoshop.
The redraw sucks - at certain zoom sizes everything gets very crunky. They still haven't fixed the crazy line issues when you move your image around from the border.
I'm going to have to completely re-hotkey everything since their ideas of hotkeys are a joke.
I need to buy a new wacom art pen - one of the chisel tips. Their brushes beg for it and I haven't found my PShop hack way of doing it.
Other than the fact that I'm slow as hell with it because its new I see a lot of potential.

Original Sketch. The model is Diaz from her "Passion" photoshoot.

Is there anything about Painter you like better? Like, a specific reason to use it instead of PS?
do another one, use some craaaazyy brushes! :)
hey i realllly like this one. love the colors.
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