About a year ago I started a model based on an awesome Sketch by
Sean (cheeks) Galloway. His work has such a style and easy gestural look to it that blows me away. At the time, I was just trying to relearn Zbrush and wasn't too concerned with making a clean model since I didn't think anyone would see it. Like 3/4 of my models I quit before finishing it, always wanting to come back to it. Well, a week ago I got an email from Sean saying he saw it and that was the kick in the ass I needed to get working on it again.

I did a lot of rework to the mesh, mostly edgeflow stuff and cleaning up Tris and N-Gons. I made minor proportion changes and basically rebuilt his shoulder/armpit. I'm still planning on doing some more work - textures mostly. I want to get this"game-ready", maybe even throw him in the game engine at work if I can con an animator into doing some setup.

Anyway, huge thanks to Cheeks for giving me the push I needed.
Your work rocks dude!!
Looks great!
Dude this is TOO SICK!! I would love to get animation thrown on that! Great work dude
- Josh
PS: Please contact me if you want some animation thrown down and need help with it! I got a crew that would love to make him move!
very cool stuff! Love to see this animated - makes me want to finally model my own in 3D just not quite as talented as this.
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
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